Why diversity-obsessed, politically correct scolds are so annoying


If you piece through my blog, you’ll see me take some conventionally liberal stands on race. I decry whites who are dismissive of race as an issue and I support the notion of “microaggressions” being something we should talk about.

But that doesn’t mean that I am not sick to death of extremists on these issues — the people the internet calls “social justice warriors” or “SJWs.” You already know who I’m talking about: it’s that awful person in the room, wagging their finger and reminding you how holier than thou they are about the modern-day pieties of diversity and multiculturalism and trans-inclusiveness. They’re the people who use terms like “problematic” and “erasing” and “systemic oppression” unironically (i.e.: “Your problematic statements erase the systemic oppression of <insert oppressed group here>.”) And they are as much of an impossible social burden as your drunk uncle who can’t stop ranting and raving…

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